
Upcoming meeting – July 15, 2024 @ 5:00pm –

The Hogback Preservation Commission is the governing entity for Hogback Mountain under the auspices of the Marlboro Select Board. This Commission sets and revises policy under the purview of the Conservation Easement Agreement held by the Vermont Land Trust. The Commission will also monitor, revise and update the Management Plan, ensure conformity to the Conservation Easement Agreement, provide an annual budget for Select Board review and provide recommendations for the management of the Hogback Mountain Endowment Fund.

The board is comprised of between three and seven members.

This commission provides management oversight of all matters concerning Hogback Mountain and provides advice and recommendations to the Select Board in this regard, as needed.  The Management Plan can be seen in List of Documents.

The Commission provides a general oversight of the private, non-profit Hogback Mountain Conservation Association (HMCA) whose volunteer members will endeavor to support the Commission. HMCA, as a separate organization, is the group expected to provide actual on-the-ground support at Hogback in the way of trail management, events and activity responsibilities and other such activities as needed.

Meetings: Bi-Monthly, January, March, May, July, September, and November, Second Monday of the Month, 5:00 p.m., Town Office

See Municipal Directory for members

HPC_HMCA – What’s the Diff 2017_05_13

HPC Rules of Procedure, adopted May 14 2018


The committee will be meeting on the First (1st) & Third (3rd) Wednesdays of the month starting on March 20th, 2024.  Please note: The HMPUC will not be holding meetings during August 2024.  This next meeting will be held on 9/18/24 at the normal time.  Agenda will be posted in advance as normal.


Please note that in this space, HMPUC will begin posting the drafts of the Hogback Management Plan that is being developed.  As the plan is modified over the coming weeks (months), the most recent plan will be added.  Once the PLAN reaches the appropriate point of completion, notice of a public hearing will be made.  Please feel free to reach out to HMPUC with any questions hogbackplanning@gmail.com Thank you.

2024_09_06 draft Management Plan

To join via Zoom USE THIS LINK or if you would prefer you can call in on the phone using one of these numbers -> 1-312-626-6799 or  1-646-558-8656 (Meeting ID# 821 1997 3527).

Agenda for 9/18/24 Meeting: 


2024 Minutes

2023 Minutes

Audio recordings from meetings are now posted on our SoundCloud. 

Hosting Events or Bringing Groups to Hogback: The Town of Marlboro has a permit process for groups that wish to hold events on Hogback.  Download the permit application, which is formally known as a Facility Use Agreement, below. There is no permit filing fee.  Submit the completed application to the Town Clerk, either in person, by mail (Marlboro Town Clerk, PO Box E, Marlboro, VT 05344), or by scanning and emailing the completed application to townclerk@marlborovt.us

Once your application has been submitted, a Town-appointed Hogback Preservation Commission member will review your plans and may contact you to discuss the details.  The permit process allows the Town to interact with event organizers to be sure users know what activities are and are not allowed, and to consider whether to grant a variance to the rules in special circumstances.

Link to Facility Use Agreement for Hogback Mountain Conservation Area: Facility Use Agreement:Hogback Mountain Conservation Area
(For more information about hosting events on Hogback and the permit process, please see this link:https://www.hogbackvt.org/permit-info)