OPEN Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (research by appointment)

& Wednesday noon – 4:00 PM

Town Clerk:   Forrest Holzapfel   email:   (802) 254-2181       

Assistant Town Clerk:   Evan Wyse    email:

Duties of the Town Clerk (elected). Records, preserves, and certifies the public records of the town. Issues dog and marriage licenses. Runs the local elections, serves as clerk of the Board of Civil Authority, and hears tax abatement requests and tax appeals. Should have the patience of a saint and be a good ambassador for the town. 17 V.S.A. § 2646(2)2651e


Land Records Marlboro Land Records are now available in Cott Systems’ RecordHub   The index currently goes back to 1989 and images are available back to 1948 (a specific book page reference is needed to find the image). See more here

If you wish to view the index, there is no charge and you can sign up and choose the complimentary subscription.  If there is a record that you want to view or print, you must purchase a subscription or come to the Town Clerk’s Office.  Log in first to be sure that the document is in the system before you pay for a subscription.  If you decide to purchase a subscription and you need help when creating an account, you can contact Cott Systems Technical Support at 800-234-2688, first prompt is 8, second prompt is 1.

Tax maps, Lister cards, and tax bills are available digitally by contacting the Town Clerk.

Research appointments can be made by emailing


Elections are presided over by the Town Clerk and follow Federal & State guidelines.  Election information appears here

The local Town & School Meeting Elections are held each year on the first Tuesday of March. Ballots are mailed to all active registered voters at least 20 days in advance. Ballots can be returned by hand, by mail, in our secure dropbox, or in person at the polling place at 13 Town Hill Road in Marlboro Center. 


For State General Elections, ballots are mailed to all active registered voters. For the State and Presidential Primaries, voters can vote in person on election day, or request an absentee ballot with this request

Registering to vote can be done by downloading the form here Voter Registration Form and returning it to the Clerk, or by calling the Town Office to have a form mailed to you.  The “Online Voter Registration Tool” which allows all eligible Vermonters to submit their voter registration application online anytime and anywhere they can access the internet is at

TheMy Voter Pageat is the online resource that allows every registered voter to login and have access to a unique, voter-specific web page where they can request an absentee ballot, track its status, update their voter registration record, find their polling place, view a sample ballot, and more.


Certified Copies of Vital Records can be obtained by contacting the Town Clerk. However, a new Vermont law which came into effect on July 1, 2019 changes who may request these documents. To obtain a Certified Copy, you must make a request by filling in the form below and returning it to the Town Clerk:

Application for Certified Copy of Vermont Birth or Death Certificate


Marriage Licenses can be purchased from the Town Clerk, but please buy your license well in advance of the day you plan to get married, as each license can be used for a 60-day period. The document below, “Getting Married in Vermont”, will answer many frequently asked questions. Please carefully fill out the Marriage License Application and return it to the Town Clerk.  The fee is $80 for the license and an additional $10 for a certified copy of the license once it is recorded, should you want one. 

If a couple would like a layperson officiate their ceremony, they can apply through the Vermont Secretary of State’s office here to become a Temporary Officiant.

Marriage License Documents


Justice of the Peace If you would like a Marlboro Justice of the Peace to officiate at your ceremony you may directly contact the individual Justice of the Peace below.

Mimi Brill – (802) 254-4494

Marcia Hamilton – (802) 490-0347

David Holzapfel – (802) 254-2908

Andy Reichsman – (802) 257-4357

T. Hunter Wilson-  (802) 464-5129


Dogs must be licensed annually between January 1st and April 1st.  A current rabies certificate, signed by your dog’s veterinarian, is required in order to be issued a license.  The 2025 fee is $11 for a spayed/neutered animal, while an unfixed dog is $15.  A dog displaying a current Marlboro dog tag is easy to return to its owner should it be found running free by calling the Animal Control Officer or Town Clerk, and all people approaching a licensed animal knows that it has been vaccinated against rabies and is therefore safe from the disease.


Graves The following document was compiled about 1985 and put into a database in 2002.  It lists all graves that are standing and legible in the various cemeteries in town as of c. 1985.  The list has not yet been updated.  Contact the Town Clerk with any questions.

All Graves, Marlboro, VT