The Board of Civil Authority consists of the following people: the elected Justices of the Peace, the Select Board, and the Town Clerk. Meetings of the board are called by the Town Clerk, or by one of the Select Board members. This Board is responsible for the following: to assist with the running of elections, to act as a quasi-judicial board for grievances between taxpayers and the Board of Listers, and to maintain the voter checklist. The Board of Abatement of Taxes, which in addition to the above parties also contains the Board of Listers, hears requests from taxpayers in specific situations who are facing hardship in paying their taxes.
2021_07_21 BCA Meeting Minutes
2020_07_09 BCA Meeting Minutes
2019_08_21 BCA Tax Appeal Decision
2019_08_21 BCA Tax Appeal Minutes (reconvene)
2019_08_07 BCA Tax Appeal Minutes
2018_08_22 BCA Tax Appeal Minutes
2018_08_01 BCA Tax Appeal Minutes