The Board of Listers are the town property tax assessors.  As elected officials, working under oath, we work to fairly measure, list & appraise all properties in the town, and annually compile the Grand List which describes and values all taxable properties in our municipality.

Our Valuation Methodology is shown in the following two documents:

House Grading Rubric

2018 Land Grading Factors

If you do not agree with the Listers valuation, please read the following:

Appealing Your Value

Greivance Application

State Equalization Studies show our appraisal accuracy statistically:

Evan Wyse, Chair  (2024)  served since 2003

Forrest Holzapfel  (2025)  served since 2002

Eric Matt  (2026)  served since 2014

Meetings:  No in-person meetings until further notice, email us with questions