Jay Sparks is the Emergency Management Director for the Town of Marlboro.  His email is emd@marlborovt.us and phone is (802) 289-4156

If you need help immediately, dial 9-1-1.

Meeting on Warming Centers for Marlboro will be help via ZOOM on March 30, 2023 at 7:00PM

Use this link to join Zoom Meeting or join by phone at 1-646-558-8656

Check the Current Emergency Status page for information about any current weather watches and warnings or town-wide emergencies.

Local Emergency Operations Plan LEOP Marlboro 2017


Marlboro Emergency Management Documents

General Preparedness Resources

Project Lead/Deadline Status
Neighborhood Networks Andy Reichsman
Need 2 more organizers!
Neighborhoods are the best structures for maintaining good channels of communication between the town and all residents (up and down). The program is operational now, still recruiting Area Organizers for Lyman Hill and Higley Hill.
Community Shelters Marlboro Alliance
Fall 2014
The American Red Cross (ARC) has made arrangements with Marlboro College to designate the Marlboro College Dining Hall as the official Red Cross shelter for Marlboro. Marlboro Alliance has formed a community group of 14 people who have been trained to staff the shelter.
LEOP Review Andy Reichsman
May 2014
The town’s Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) has been updated as of May 2014.
REP Review Andy Reichsman
June 2015
DEMHS completed the latest revision of the state and town Radiological Emergency Plans (REP) in June 2014. The town will conduct its next annual review by spring of 2015.
Emergency Register Allison Turner
The register is a strictly confidential list of needs and resources that residents may have during an emergency. The register is an invaluable starting point during a disaster; it is being updated now based on the September 2013 survey.