March 2, 2021 Marlboro Town & School Meetings

The results of the March 2, 2021 Marlboro Town Meeting Australian ballot vote is here

The results of the March 2, 2021 School District Meeting Australian ballot vote is here

Total Active Voters = 718 Total Votes Cast = 312 43% Voter Participation

How will I know where to get the information I need to vote the ballot?
The Town Report is here

There were two remote Informational Meetings on Zoom, hosted by:

Marlboro School Board on Monday February 22, 2021 at 6 PM

The recording of the School Board Info session started a little late. The link to the recording is below. Three items were mentioned by the School Board Chair prior to the line item tax rate discussion that begins the recording. Those items included:

1. A correction to page 60 in the town report, paragraph 4 – The work of transitioning the finance tracking from the district to the Supervisory Union could not have been completed without the assistance and support of Gail Chaine. The School Board apologizes for leaving Gail out of that acknowledgment, and thank her for her work.

2. The School Board thanks David Holzapfel for his years of service on the School Board. David came on to assist with Act 46 and has been a great resource to the Board and the Community.

3. On page 59 – the paragraph in the Director’s Report that discusses the tax rate is now outdated. The estimated tax rate is 1.70 and the numbers are accurately reflected on page 56.

To view the recorded meeting follow this link & passcode Passcode: q2cQ*&ZR

Marlboro Select Board on Tuesday February 23, 2021 at 6 PM 

Informational Meeting Recording is here

Informational Meeting audio-only is here

So, how did Town Meeting work this year?  
There was no in-person Town Meeting this year due to the pandemic.  All articles were voted by Australian ballot per decision of the Marlboro Select Board and Town Clerk in December 2020.  

~  Forrest Holzapfel, Town Clerk  

Special Town Meeting September 22, 2021

A Special Town Meeting was held on Wednesday September 22, 2021 at 5 PM outdoors in front of the Town House in Marlboro Center.  The draft minutes are below:

The purpose of the meeting was to consider and vote upon transferring the Hogback Preservation Fund from the Town of Marlboro to the non-profit Hogback Mountain Conservation Association. A thorough background of the history of the Hogback Preservation Fund can be seen in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Marlboro Select Board and the Hogback Mountain Conservation Association above or in paper version on the bulletin boards in front of the Town Office.  In addition, the Memorandum, as well as a more detailed History of the Endowment Fund prepared by HMCA, is also available on its website,  
Paper copies of all documents are available if requested (contact or (802) 254-2181).

Special Town Meeting December 18, 2021

A Special Town Meeting was held in a light snow on Saturday December 18, 2021 at 12 PM outdoors in front of the Town House at 13 Town Hill Road in Marlboro Center.  This meeting followed the floor voice vote format of our traditional Town Meeting.  

The purpose of the meeting was to consider and vote upon the method of conducting both Town and School portions of the Town Meeting on March 1, 2022.  With recent COVID-19 infections statewide at their highest since the pandemic started, the Town Clerk & Select Board felt an in-person meeting in our small Town House would be too risky for public health.  The Vermont Legislature’s 2021 law allowing towns flexibility in how they conduct their meetings ends on December 31, 2021.  

Therefore, this decision with 32 voters in attendance decided unanimously that all the articles of Town and School business at Town Meeting 2022 shall be conducted as it was in 2021, only by Australian ballot.  This change can be reversed back to our traditional floor vote by another Special Town Meeting vote once conditions improve.  

As with Town Meeting 2021, non-binding informational meetings for both the Town & School will occur remotely on Zoom in the 10 days before March 1, 2022.  All active voters on the Marlboro checklist will be mailed their ballots twenty days in advance of Town Meeting, with postage paid in both directions.  The polling place WILL ALSO be open from 9 am until 7 pm on March 1, 2022 for those who prefer to vote in-person.  Masking and social distancing will be encouraged.   

Questions, contact or (802) 254-2181